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Windows 7

For better or for worse, i’ve decided to legitimately aquire my Operating System, and have purchased a copy of Home Premium Windows 7.

After a download process, and a surprisingly simple USB boot drive creation program supplied by M$, I am sitting here wondering why the hell things havent started exploding, and random images of bill gates are not interspersed between the frames, I can assure you.

The new interface has some pretty decent features, but unfortunately after a quick look, it seems that they have hidden the real control of the operating system behind even more fancy menus :/

Ahh, but that my friends, is confirmation that Windows 7 is more than Vista with a new interface.

Quite simply, they have further removed the layers between amature and professional user, and this results in (for once) an interface that conforms to its design in both areas and for both users :)

Anyway, i’ll keep you all posted :)


Fuzz's picture

Win 7

Nice post Kraizen. I’ve had a bit of exposure to it at work through MSDN for a few months. All in all I like it. Generally it just seems better than Vista in most ways, and finally enough of a reason to upgrade from XP. Stability seems to be there, compatibility is much better than I expected (everything that worked in Vista worked on 7 for me). The main thing I have noticed though is performance. Honestly, it feels twice as fast as Vista, even on lower end hardware.

I haven’t tried it for games, as there hasn’t been any compelling reason to upgrade my desktop at home yet, so I’m not sure how games are going, but I’d bet it’ll be the same for games – if it runs on Vista it will run fine, if not better on 7.

Interested to hear others opinions too.

ltmon's picture

DX 11 Benchmark

It would be fun for anyone with Windows 7 (and a serious kickass graphics card) to try this one out:

HarassmentPanda's picture

I like it

I’ve used it a bit and have found it a far greater experience than XP and Vista. Never went to Vista from XP as I never found a reason but the speed and the stability presented in Windows 7 provides a compelling reason for upgrade. Personally I’ll be encouraging my family and freinds to upgrade, especially if I do their Tech Support. :-)

speed increase

hmm best way to explain it on a good rig…

Aero runs faster on Windows 7 than performance mode on Vista? ;)

I find I don’t need to spam keys waiting for any windows :)

Fuzz's picture


Even without Aero. Most of my experience has been in virtual machines where Aero’s disabled. Boot time, general responsiveness is significantly faster on 7. Who know’s why, but I ain’t complaining.


Scored with windows installed GTX280 drivers, not directly from nvidia.

Seems they don’t support tesselation yet, even though it let me select it in the benchmark and it ran fine (but it isnt listed in results?)

Heaven Demo v1.0
FPS: 48.8
Scores: 1228

Binary: Windows 32bit Visual C++ 1500 Release Oct 22 2009
Operating system: Windows 7 (build 7600) 32bit
CPU model: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
GPU model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 1024Mb

Render: direct3d11
Mode: 1280×1024 4xAA fullscreen
Shaders: high
Textures: high
Filter: trilinear
Anisotropy: 4x
Occlusion: enabled
Refraction: enabled
Volumetric: enabled

Unigine Corp. © 2005-2009

Heaven Demo v1.0
FPS: 49.2
Scores: 1241

Binary: Windows 32bit Visual C++ 1500 Release Oct 22 2009
Operating system: Windows 7 (build 7600) 32bit
CPU model: Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz
GPU model: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 1024Mb

Render: direct3d10
Mode: 1280×1024 4xAA fullscreen
Shaders: high
Textures: high
Filter: trilinear
Anisotropy: 4x
Occlusion: enabled
Refraction: enabled
Volumetric: enabled

Unigine Corp. © 2005-2009

ltmon's picture

Need DX11 drivers

I guess they aren’t out yet? Or can you update your drivers.

In any case, that’s a pretty good score on a difficult looking benchmark. Did it look as pretty as the youtube demo, or were some rendering features disabled?

Robag's picture

Easily install Windows 7 from USB: Windows 7 USB/DVD Download To

looks good Kraizen, i am waiting for my X64 version of Windows 7.

Robag drools over buying new hardware lol



well it was mostly terrain mapping and ray-tracing sort of stuff, few dynamic objects would be its drawback imho.

Doesnt stress the CPU.

That said it was a very good example of next gen light occlusion, and i can happily say my comp will run it :) But yeah i’ll keep an eye open on the nvidia side of things and see if they bring out a DX10 tessellation driver.

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